About Shelem Flemons
& The Biblical Booster
Therefore, the COVID-19 vaccines were designed to help us to masquerade as healthy people. They represent the first vaccines in world history that are not designed to prevent infection. I waited for information from the government on how to be healthy. When that information never came, I launched this campaign. The Biblical Booster is a campaign to boost the immunity of our global community and to protect religious liberty!
When COVID-19 first began to claim victims in the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other prominent doctors and scientists told us three important things most likely will not occur. Their message was repeated over and over on various news outlets. They stated in so many words that if we are healthy, most likely,
(1) We will not die of COVID-19.
(2) We will not become seriously ill with COVID-19.
(3) We will not be hospitalized due to COVID-19.
(1) We will not die of COVID-19.
(2) We will not become seriously ill with COVID-19.
(3) We will not be hospitalized due to COVID-19.
My Story

Ministry Life
Shelem Flemons is a pastor, poet, author and natural health educator / practitioner using the quintessential methods of biblical wellness showcased in The Biblical Booster. He is the pastor and executive director of TORSOE Ministry (Times of Refreshing Simplicity of Eden) which he cofounded with his wife, Maria. Prior to their marriage in 2019, Shelem was the pastor / director of Times of Refreshing Ministry and Maria was the directress of Simplicity of Eden Ministry. When they married, God granted a marriage license to their ministries and TORSOE was born.
He has experienced medical tyranny and a smear campaign rather close to home, but when he saw that the government was turning on its own healthcare heroes who were successfully treating COVID-19 with safer methods than the deadly vaccine, he was stirred to action by God. He writes:
“I am accustomed to popular science ignoring the success stories of Biblical healing. I am not taken aback when they call me a quack. But, has it come to this?
Clinician verses Physician
Proctor verses Doctor
And Medication Man verses Vaccination Klan.
Silence every probe and vaccinate the globe.
While data was in beta
Their syringe did infringe!
Here are the new patriotic songs most Americans now sing.
‘Oe’r the land that’s only free if at home we behave.’
‘My country used to be
A sweet land of liberty.
Of thee I sing.
Tell no one people died.
Critical data hide.
From every shot worldwide
Let freedom sting!
‘When popular science defies Bible Science, that’s par for the course.
However, when vigorous vaccination precedes rigorous investigation, that’s ‘cart before the horse!'”
Shelem Flemons
Related Videos
TORSOE Music Video
COVID Recovery Testimonial
COVID Recovery Testimonial
"Why then expose the source of the flaw?
Why not encourage vaccination?
A vaccine mandate has the color of law.
’Tis not an emancipation proclamation!"
Shelem Flemons

Need a speaker for your upcoming event?
If you want your group to be delightfully engaged with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth seasoned with poetry and song, you can invite Shelem Flemons to speak. His wife, Maria, often accompanies him depending on the circumstances and their schedule. Whether it’s a sermon, a health lecture, health demonstrations and or a theme event, you won’t be disappointed.
Your audience will be “entertrained,” ennobled, and inspired!